I've played multiple shows in one day before but not AXXONN, I was wondering how I might shape up as AXXONN becomes more physical and with the temperatures souring in Canberra.
Canberra is a bazaar place, always will be. I spent about 3 years of my life there studying at The Australian National University, something I'm very appreciative of BUT I never, not once, got any kind of feeling for Canberra as a place, I'm not hating on it, I just don't feel anything - neutral.

Stuart (New Weird Australia/Tour Manager) and I arrive in Canberra, 'apocalyptic' I think are the words Stu used as we drove in and I had to agree, for the nations capital it was wickedly quiet. We arrive at out accommodation, something Stu had organised and i was a little out of place, it was Sydney crack-den to 4* suite by the lake, I wondered if Stu was going to pop the question or something. The only time I'd ever experienced such goodness on tour was when I got the lucky dip hotel on bookings.com in London and it worked out to be the Hyatt Hotel in Paddington, pure ass not choice though.
Gig3 for the tour was once again another sweat box, my poor Nord Keyboard is going to need a serious bath after this tour if this heat keeps up, I don't suspect Brisbane will be much different. Joined on the night by KASH + CRASH THE CURB the crowd was relative disinterested with most being there for cheap drinks (I think) or Kasha, local triplej exports. Either way I bent some minds and had a blast so all it all it was successful, I was even challenged soon after by a young arts student ( who i predict is currently in her second year and looking and conceptual rationales in art) wanting to know AXXONN's agenda, "What kind of context does it have?" "Is it political or social?, I clearly told her it was religious and she seemed happy with that.
The back to Sydney Sunday
One last stop in Sydney on the way to Tasmania for gigs 3/4. I stayed with old pal Scott Morrison and he schooled me on the ideals of buying a new muscle car vs an old muscle car when I move soon to the USA, very informative and mind changing, Dukes of Hazzard it will be!
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