Well just cause AXXONN isn't playing out live doesn't mean shit isn't happening at the office. Things have almost been as busy as our Euro tour lately.
Tom is off mastering the finer aspects of USA noise shows, underground squat spaces and generally cementing ties for a return sometime in 2010
Ian is busy mastering the art of bringing more bottom end to his doom outfit NO ANCHOR with the addition of a third bass player.
What's AXXONN been up to?
(in a nut shell)
• Finalising Masters for our most prominent release to date - A cassette on Brisbane's own 'Bedroom Suck' records, it's black on black, it's brutal and fits the low fidelity quality of the cassette perfectly. In true AXXONN style we'll be going all out with the art work with a multiple gate-fold insert (see some proofs below). Cassette release date is Mid February 2010 w/ Off Tap Launch to follow.
• We have a couple of video clips in the pipeline (of course taking it to the mainstream with some more appropriation)
• As it happens our 'no sleep' tour of the UK and Europe has turned out to have a lasting effect. We have been approached by a European label with some interesting offerings. More details as they come to hand....